
Musee Dezentral - the NFT Art Museum

Our own Virtual and dezentralized Museum in the Metaverse with 222 Frame NFTs - Each frame allows the owner to exhibit their NFT inside.

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We've built our own 3 Floor Virtual Museum in the Metaverse with a limited total of 222 Frames which themselves are also NFTs. Each frame allows the owner to exhibit an NFT inside.

The two exhibitions rooms off the Hall of Fame in the main entry hall feature regular exhibitions from artists and projects all working within the ever-growing web3 community.

Additionaly, an educational room on the upper floors visualizes the ongoing history of NFTs since their inception.


Check out the concept of our NFT Museum in this video:

Visit the Musee in the Metaverse

Learn more about us

Made with in Berlin

Berlin Partner x Rave Space